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Advantages of Veterinary Housecalls: Housecall veterinarians offer many conveniences that traditional animal hospitals cannot. One of the biggest of those is overcoming the fear and trauma that many animals experience when taken from their home to a veterinary hospital. Many animals release pheromones (chemical scent signals) under traumatic conditions that linger in the air and may cause fear reactions in animals that detect them. By examining your pet in its own environment, where it is more secure (and hopefully less aggressive ), your housecall veterinarian can better evaluate behavior and conditions which may be caused or aggravated by their environment. In addition, there is a lower risk of being exposed to diseases that may be floating around in a hospital waiting room. This is especially important for very young or very old pets that do not have good immunity and, for pets with weakened immune systems. In addition to the benefits for your pet, a housecall may make more sense for many owners. Since you won't have to gather up your pets, drive to the clinic, wait to see the veterinarian and drive back home, there is less time wasted for you. Frequently, housecall veterinarians offer greater freedom in scheduling appointments and will work around your schedule. Because the veterinarian is with you the whole time, you will get more personalized care. Many housecall veterinarians also provide emergency care for their clients.

The fee to come to your home in the Santa Fe areas is 50 dollars, plus services. The fee to come to your home in the Rio Ariba county is 80, plus services.

We are currently not doing housecalls, and will resume regular service sometime in the Fall. - ->
Animal Silhouettes

(505) 466-6008

Hours of Operation

Next to Petsense Española walk-ins:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday surguries 9 to 11 AM
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday walk in appointments
    11 AM to 4 PM
  • No Clinic on Snow Days
Call to schedule surgeries
